Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Mirene - 'a story about me and my daddy'

Yeh! This is Mirene from Congo. And now a live in Queensland, Australia - in Woodridge. I love my new country Australia. I am now called Australian.

I am here to talk about my photo of my lovely daddy and mum. This is the photo of my lovely daddy who is still in Africa. Every day I dream about him. And this is good for me because I see him everyday.

Yer---yer what can I do. I wake up in the morning and look at the photo of my daddy chenikeme! Wonders will never end. Why do I say this? Because I keep on thinking about him! My God. Please help me now.

Now. About me. I like Mare. Mare is my best doll. I can’t sleep without her. She is such a nice and clean doll. I hope you like this photo of her.


Austories said...

Thank you Mirene. That is a beautiful story. Photo's are so important aren't they.

digibowriter said...

Hey Mirene, I'm glad your a dinky di aussie too. I'm sorry that your dad is still away... but your right our dreams are great cause they let us spend time with those we love. Mare sounds beautiful and I'm glad she helps you fall asleep.
