Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The day i fell off my bike

My name is Adam. One day when I was sleeping I heard my brother saying that he had bought a bike.

When I first hopped on it I went down the street and I saw a car coming in front of me and I fell down and broke my leg and my arm. Everyone was laughing at me.

I had to go to the hospital and I had to get some needles. But now I can ride it well and I will never fall down again.

but i feel really sad today because somebody stole four bikes from under our house. If someone sees them call Judd at MultiLink 38o8 4463.

You can visit one of my favourite places on the internet here.
The end


Austories said...

Hey Adam. That is one cool story. I love it. It must have a very hard first ride on your bike though.

I hope you get your bike back.

Thankyou for putting a link to my storytelling page on your blog entry. That's great.


digibowriter said...

Hey Adam, great to hear you are now a champion Bike rider. I would def avoid the broken bones.
